Grayslake North Social Media Links
These social media accounts can be a great source of news and information about the school, clubs, activities and sports! Many of your teachers and coaches have their own individual pages, search for them too!!
Instagram Accounts
GNHS (official school page) @gnhs_knights
Activities @gnhsactivities
Athletics @gnhsathletics
Basketball - Boys @gnhs_basketball
Basketball - Boys @gnhs_ballers
Basketball - Girls @gnhsgirlsbball
Boosters Club @gnboosters
Bowling - Boys @gnhsboysbowling
Cheerleading - varsity @gnhs.varsitycheer
Counseling Dept. @gnhs_counseling
Cross Country @gnhsxc
Clubs @clubs_gnhs
Dance Team @gnhsdance
Debate Team @gnhsdebate
End Racism @gnhs_endracism
Environmental Club @gnhs_eclub
Events @gnhs_events
Fine Arts @gnhs_fine_arts
Fitness @gnhsfitness
Future Medical Club @futuremedicalclubgnhs
Good Vibes @gnhs_goodvibes
Green Room Theater Company @gnhsgreenroom
The HUB @gnhs_hub
Knight Nation 2021-2022 @knightsnation22
Knights Performance Project @kpp_gnhs_challenges
Knights Times Newspaper/journalism/media @gnknightsmedia
Lacrosse @gnhslax
Latinos Stand Up @latinosstandup_
Library @librarygnhs
Link Crew @crewgnhs
Marching Band @gnhsmarchingknights
Model UN @grayslakenorthmun
Nigel the Knight @NigeltheKnight
Pen & Paper Literary magazine @gnhslitmag
Public Service Practicum @gnhspsp
Social Studies Honor Society @rhokappagnhs
Softball @gnhssoftball
Sports @gnhs_sports
Strength @GNHSStrength
Student Council @gnhs_stuco
Superfans @knightsnation22
Tennis @gnhs_tennis
Throws/Lifts - Girls @gnhsgirlsthrowslifts
Track & Field Throwers @grayslakenorththrowers
Track & Field - Girls @gn_girlstrackfield
Track & Field - Boys @gnhs.boys.track.field
Visual Arts @gnhs_visual_art
Volleyball @knightsgirlsvolleyball
Volleyball - Boys @gnhsboysvball
Yearbook @gnhs.yearbook
Twitter (X) Accounts
Knight Pride (GNHS official site) @GrayslakeNorth
District 127 @D127GetsReal
Dr. James Roscoe, Principal @Roscoe2James
Dr. Mikkel Storaasli, Superintendent @MStoraasli
Activities @GNHSActivities
Art Dept. @GNHS_ART
Athletic Boosters @GNHATHBoosters
Athletics @GNHSAthletics
Baseball @GNHSBaseball
Basketball - Boys @GNKnights
Basketball - Girls @GNHSHoops
Bowling @Knights_Bowling
Bowling - Girls @GNHS_Bowlers
Cheerleading @KnightsCheer1
College & Career Center @lifeafterGNHS
Counseling Dept. @GNHScounselors
Dance Team @gnhspoms
District 127 @Grayslake127
Fine Arts @GNHSFineArts
Football @GNHSFootball
Garden @GNHSGarden
Girls Track @GNHSGirlsTrack
Golf @GNHSGolf
Green Room @GNHSgreenroom
Kensi @KensiTherapyPup
Knight Nation '20-'21 @KnightNation20
Knight Times - Newspaper @GNKnightsMedia
Knights Cafe @cafe_knights
Knights Way @NorthKnightsWay
Lacrosse @GNHSLax
LBC program @North_LBC
Library @libraryGNHS
NHS (National Honor Society) @gnhs_nhs
Nigel the Knight @NigeltheKnight
Rho Kappa GNHS @RhoKappaGNHS
Slam Funk @FunkSlam
Soccer @GNKnightsSoccer
Social Studies @GNHSSS
Softball @GNHSSball
Special Olympics @D127SpOlympics
Student Council @GNHS_StuCo
Table Tennis @GNHSTableTennis
Tennis @GNHSTennis
Volleyball @gnhsvball
Volleyball - Boys @GNHSBoysVball
Wellness @GNHSWellness
XC & Boys Track @GNSHXCTF
Yearbook @GnYearbook