Support and Racial Justice

Clubs & Student Organizations
LSU (Latinos Stand Up) Sponsor: Ms. Marquez, and Mr. Rocha
BU (Black Union) Sponsors: Mr. Favors, Mr. Alger
Conexiones: Sponsors: Ms. Padgett-Krause
Rho Kappa: Sponsor: Mr. Scibbe
Racial Trauma Group: Intended for students of color. Sponsors: Ms. Clark, Ms. Deacon
AAPI Alliance: Asian American and Pacific Islander Alliance; Sponsor: Adrijana Bisevac
Out-of-School Support
Otros Recursos: EN CRISIS? Llame Al 1-888-628-9454, La Línea Nacional De Prevención De Suicidio Y Línea De Vida Las 24 Horas
Mano a Mano: Services for the Latinx families in this area, including help for families in financial crisis due to COVID and free legal consultation regarding immigration issues.
Therapists of Color:
African-American Therapists in Waukegan, IL
African-American Therapists in Lake County
Therapy for Black Girls
The Love Land Foundation
Committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women & girls.

What can I do to help?
Service Projects
Interest form for Race, Equity and District 127
YWCA of Lake County
YWCA Volunteer Interest Form
Do Something.Org Youth-Led Movement for Good. Using our digital platform, DoSomething members join our volunteer, social change, and civic action campaigns to make real-world impact on causes they care about.
Corporation for National & Community Service

Tips for Students, Parents & Educators
Tips for Parents & Educators: Talking to Children about Violence
National Museum of African American History & Culture: Talking about Race, Being Antiracist
Chicago Beyond.Org: Becoming Anti-Racist, 23 Things You Can Watch, Listen, or Do