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Brandon Boyd
Science & CTE
847-986-3100 x5524
Tony Bussone
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5527
Steve Colletti
Science & CTE
847-986-3100 x5687
Adam DeCaluwe
Assistant Athletic Director/CTE Teacher
847-986-3100 x3156
Greg Geiger
CTE Department Chair
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5689
Glen Gerdes
CTE - Sports Medicine
Jeffery Miller
CTE Extension
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5553
Courtney Plaza
Career Exploration & Internship Coordinator
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x3364
Gina Schuyler
Administrator for Careers & Community Partnerships
Jill Tomasello-Wolter
Family and Consumer Science
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5683
Nancy Wilkinson
Department Chair Secretary
847-986-3100 x5041