summer camps

GNHS Summer Camps!

FINE ARTS CAMPS - Register Here

  • GNHS Art Experience:
    Join the GNHS Art Teachers and Art Club/NAHS Students in visual arts exploration. Campers will rotate rooms to engage in a variety of 2D, 3D, and Digital Activities. Please dress for art making and some outdoor activities, weather permitting. Campers should bring labeled water bottles, spray or stick sunscreen, and a nut-free snack. The camp will conclude with a culminating art show: MUSE Junior from 11:15-12:00 on Thursday, 7/11, for family and friends.

  • Color Guard Camp:
    Description: Come have fun while dancing and spinning a flag and/or rifle! Participants will learn colorguard techniques, dance skills, and choreography. Open to grades 5 - 12 (No experience needed). 

  • Marching Band High School Camp:
    Start Date: 7/28/2024
    Location: Grayslake North - Auxiliary Gym - F110, Grayslake North - Cafeteria - B160, Grayslake North - Fieldhouse - Center, Grayslake North - Stadium Field