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Joe Alger
Prevention and Wellness Coordinator
Student Services
847-986-3100 x5704
Rose Anderson
Bookstore Manager
Student Services
Claudia Arroyo
Bilingual Paraprofessional
847-986-3100 x5767
Jessica Baker
World Language
World Language
847-986-3100 x5507
Mario Balarin
School Resource Officer
Student Services
847-986-3100 x5046
Kevin Ball
School Counselor
Student Services
847-986-3100 x5501
Caitlin Bender
Athletic Trainer
Beth Bendix
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5581
Julie Benjamin
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5559
Kelly Benton
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5563
Ami Berrong
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5516
Adrijana Bisevac
Social Studies Department Chair
Social Studies
Kelly Bott
Visual Arts
Fine Arts
847-986-3100 x5734
Brandon Boyd
Science & CTE
847-986-3100 x5524
Roxanne Bristow
Social Studies
Social Studies
847-986-3100 x5634
Sandy Burke
Cafe Monitor
Student Services
Julia Burkel
847-986-3100 x5528
Rachel Burnette
Data Specialist and Testing Coordinator
847-986-3100 ext. 5045
Tony Bussone
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5527
Rob Caliendo
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5531