Incoming Freshmen: Course Selection Information

To assist students and caregivers in making well-informed decisions, please utilize the information on this page and join us for the Class of 2029 Open House on Thursday, January 9th, 2025, at Grayslake Central High School. On this night, each student will receive a personalized folder with detailed information. Then in late January, rising freshmen and school counselors will have individual appointments at each feeder school.

Welcome to the Ramily - we can’t wait to meet you!

Course Selection Process: A Video Overview

Course Selection Process for Rising Freshmen

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I see "Rams Block 9" listed on my student's schedule as one of the periods. What is "Rams Block"?

A: With lunches built into each 3rd and 7th block class, every student has a Rams Block as their 8th course. In an effort to not disrupt instructional time and provide support for additional skills required for life-long success, this block will provide time for students to access important support systems, resources and mandatory programming, social-emotional curriculum, college planning, and other grade-level presentations will now be delivered during Rams Block. It is a critical part of our MTSS model.

Each Rams Block has an Advisory portion. This time  is designed for required attendance, relationship building, and announcements for all students. During the remainder of the period, faculty should be working to support students who are ineligible for a Rams Pass (grade 10-12 only) and providing intervention through executive functioning support to get them back on track. Learn more about Rams Block + Advisory here.

Q: Are there other variations of "Rams Block 9"?

A: Yes, while all freshmen are automatically enrolled in Rams Block 9, which caters programming to their needs, some freshmen may be enrolled in Rams Block - Band.

  • Rams Block - Band: Members of the band and color guard will automatically be enrolled this course. During marching band season, this is when the band and color guard will practice together. Students will still attend all mandatory Rams Block lessons during this time.