District 127 wishes a Happy Easter to all that celebrate.
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
purple flowers and eggs
Grayslake Central High School will be hosting State-mandated testing on April 12 and 13 for all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Please access the Testing Information site for details about the tests and which days and times your students need to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Please remember there is no school, tomorrow, Friday, April 7, 2023!
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
no school
Jewish communities will begin celebrating Passover this evening. District 127 wishes a Chag Pesach Sameach or Happy Passover to all who celebrate.
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
happy passover
To the best Associate Principal's a District could have! Wishing you a Happy AP Day! @APPrybylski @julie_Bryniczka @LichtMeg @jschagrin @Grayslake_Rams @GrayslakeNorth
almost 2 years ago, Jenny Utinans
school pictures
Spring Break is here!
almost 2 years ago, Jenny Utinans
spring break
The Grayslake Central Booster Club's spring store is now open!! Use the link to order your new Rams gear before the April 2nd ordering deadline!! https://gchsboost.itemorder.com/shop/home/
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar marked by fasting, reflection, charity, and prayer. District 127 wishes that Ramadan brings you joy and peace.
almost 2 years ago, Jenny Utinans
ramadan celebration
Summer School 2023 registration is now open! Please use this link: https://sites.google.com/d127.org/summer-school-district-127/summer-2023 to register.
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Summer School 2023
Holi is considered one of the most revered and celebrated festivals in India! It is also called the “festival of love” as on this day people get to unite together. For more information, please visit https://www.holifestival.org
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
colorful tiles
District 127 celebrates International Women's Day a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of all women. For more information, please visit https://www.internationalwomensday.com
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
women outline in colors
Due to the inclement weather we are experiencing, GCHS will be closing the building at 5 pm today. The district will be running our regular after-school routes, but NO late buses will be running. Students that do not utilize district transportation must be picked up by 5 pm
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, District 127 after-school activities and athletic practices are canceled. Coaches and activity sponsors will contact their students as necessary.
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
Due to the impending severe weather, District 127 has called an E-learning day for February 16, 2023. On E-learning Days the District follows the Late Start Bell Schedule, it is a White/Gold day tomorrow, so we will begin with 5th block at 9:15 am. Clubs and activities are all canceled. Athletics will be determined at a later time, please watch for a message from your coach or Athletic Director.
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
snowy background
​Grayslake Central's Winter Gala will take place on Saturday, February 25th from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased through Tuesday, February 21st by using this link: https://grayslakecentral.ticketspice.com/2023-winter-gala
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Winter Gala 2023
Class of 2024 and their caregivers ~ Please join us on Thursday, March 2nd for a Life After GCHS presentation in the Theater!
almost 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Life after GCHS 2024
National School Counseling Week begins today! District 127 is excited to recognize the work of our amazing School Counselors. Thank you for all of your hard work for all of our students. @Grayslake_Rams @GrayslakeNorth
almost 2 years ago, DO Social Media
thank you to school counselors
Please help us congratulate Grayslake Central Career and Technology Teacher, Mr. Christopher Ellingsen on his Those Who Excel recognition!
about 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Please help us congratulate Grayslake Central Science Teacher, Mr. Aiden Williams on his Those Who Excel recognition!
about 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Please help us congratulate Grayslake Central's Instructional Coaches, Ms. Maureen Ritter, Ms. Victoria Lobb and Mr. Joey Philipp on their Those Who Excel recognition!
about 2 years ago, Central Social Media
Instructional Coaches